Pennsylvania Naturopathic Doctors, Physician, Practioners Clinics in United States
Posted On Sunday, April 17, 2011 at at 5:57 AM by PradeepCancer Treatment Centers of America Illuminating Health Maria Ciuferri-Wansacz Area of Emphasis: General Family Practice Cancer Treatment Centers of America Doylestown Natural Medicine Center Natural Health Pennsylvania Hawk's Natural Health Consultations Bethesda Mind - Body, LLC Cancer Treatment Centers of America Cancer treatment centers of America Cancer Treatment Centers of America Health For Life Clinic Health For Life Clinic Natural Medicine Works - Philadelphia 1457 Hildenbrandt Rd. Cancer Treatment Centers of America 4233 Oregon Pike Cancer Treatment Centers of America The Family Wellness Center Lotus Healing, LLC Trillium Natural Medicine, LLC Appalachian Botanicals, LLC Cancer Treatment Centers of America Two Rivers Naturopathy Cancer Treatment Centers of AmericaDavid Allderdice, ND
1331 E Wyoming Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7778
Web: Bosse, ND
4522 Baltimore Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143
Phone: 215-995-1247
Web: www.IlluminatingHealth.comMaria Ciuferri-Wansacz, NMD, LAc
426 South State Street
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania 18411
Phone: 570-604-2800
Web: www.drmariaw.comHeather DeLuca, ND
250 Pierce Street, Ste. 200
Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704
Phone: 570-287-9955
Web: www.HDeLucaND.comStacy Dunn, ND, LAc, MSOM
1331 E Wyoming Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7760
Web: www.cancercenter.comAlison Finger, MD
148 East State Street
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Phone: 215-348-8470
Web: www.doylestownnaturalmedicine.comBrian Freeman, ND, MS
1430 Bridge St.
New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070
Phone: 717-774-0200
Web: www.NaturalHealthPA.comDiane Hawk, ND, PhD
1270 Greensprings Drive
York, Pennsylvania 17402
Phone: 717-858-7908
Web: www.dianehawk.comAnthony Jones, ND
1500 Market Street
12th floor, East Tower
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
Phone: 215-665-5782 x 5782
Fax: 215-569-8228
Web: www.bethesdamindbody.comAminah Keats, ND
1331 East Wyoming Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7772
Fax: 215-537-7884
Web: www.cancercenter.comNaini Kohli, MD, ND, CYT
Eastern Regional Medical Center
1331 E Wyoming Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7781
Fax: 215-537-7187
Web: cancercenter.comRenee Lang, ND
1331 E Wyoming Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7770
Fax: 802-254-4754
Web: cancercenter.comAnn Lee, ND, L.Ac
112 N. Cornell Ave.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
Phone: 717-669-1050
Fax: 717-826-0743
Web: www.DoctorNaturalMedicine.comAnn Lee, ND
112 N. Cornell Ave.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
Phone: 717-669-1050
Web: www.DoctorNaturalMedicine.comColeen Murphy, ND, MSOM
525 South 4th St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147
Phone: 215-939-1362
Web: www.natmedworks.comSuzanne Peppell, ND
Wind Gap, Pennsylvania 18091
Phone: 610-759-7001
Fax: 610-759-7002
Web: Qaqundah, ND, FABNO
1331 East Wyoming Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7770
Web: www.cancercenter.comMichael Reece, ND
Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522
Phone: 717-859-4222
Fax: 717-859-1562
Web: Rogers Niesley, ND, MS
1331 E Wyoming
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130
Phone: 866-384-8206
Fax: 215-537-4422
Web: www.cancercenter.comJessica Shoemaker, ND
1000 Briarsdale Road, Suite A
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109
Phone: 717-558-8500
Fax: 717-558-8567
Web: www.thefamilywellnesscenter.comGurneet Singh, ND, LAc
Triune 325 Cherry St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
Phone: 215-627-6279
Fax: 215-627-7244
Web: www.lotus-healing.comMaureen Tighe, ND, LAc, MSOM
3043 West Liberty Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15216
Phone: 412-571-9355
Fax: 412-571-9355
Web: www.trilliumnatural.comHeidi Weinhold, ND
205 E. McMurray Rd
McMurray, Pennsylvania 15317
Phone: 724-941-7701
Fax: 724-941-7708
Web: www.doctorheidi.netKirsten West, ND
1331 E Wyoming Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7779
Fax: 215-537-7189
Web: www.cancercenter.comMarie Winters, ND
3901B Main Street, Suite 200
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19127
Phone: 215-313-4114
Web: www.tworiversnaturopathy.comHeather Wright, ND
1331 East Wyoming Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
Phone: 215-537-7776
Fax: 215-537-7189