Oregon Naturopathic Doctors, Physician, Practioners Clinics in United States
Posted On Sunday, April 17, 2011 at at 5:54 AM by PradeepThomas Abshier, ND
Gateway to Health
1414 NE 109th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97220
Phone: 503-255-9500
Email: naturedox@qwest.net
Web: www.naturedox.com
Susan S. Allen, ND
Triangolo Family Clinic
2601 NE Glisan Street
Portland, Oregon 97232
Phone: 503-232-1948
Email: drsusanallen@qwest.net
Web: www.triangolofamilyclinic.net
Rebecca Asmar, ND
Bambu Clinic
838 SW First Avenue Suite 330
Beaverton, Oregon 97204
Phone: 503-274-9360
Web: www.bambuclinic.com
Amy Bader, ND
3808 N. Williams Suite F
Portland, Oregon 97227
Phone: 1-800-738-7303
Email: amybadernd@comcast.net
Web: www.benourished.org
Steven Bailey, ND
Northwest Naturopathic Clinic
1540 SE Clinton Street
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-224-8083
Email: bnatural@spiritone.com
Web: www.nwnclinic.com
Emma Baker, ND
Baker Family Naturopathic LLC
1045 NW Bond Suite 204
Bend, Oregon 97701
Phone: 541-322-3941
Email: dremmabaker@hotmail.com
Web: www.dremmabaker.com
Carrie Baldwin-Sayre, ND
Center for Natural Medicine
1330 SE 39th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-232-1100
Email: drbaldwin-sayre@cnm-inc.com
Web: www.cnm-inc.com
Pauline Baumann, ND
OneMedicine Institute
1168 Butler Creek Road
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone: 503-709-2188
Email: seroya@charter.net
Bernie S. Bayard, LAc ND
1238 NW Glisan St
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-288-9793
Audrey Bergsma, ND
Natural Health Center
2220 SW 1st Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-552-1551
Email: abergsma@ncnm.edu
Rita M. Bettenburg, ND
Natural Childbirth & Family
10360 NE Wasco St
Portland, Oregon 97220
Phone: 503-252-8125
Daivati Bharadvaj, ND
Alive & Well Healing Arts
9900 SW Wilshire St
Portland, Oregon 97225
Phone: 503-484-8647
Email: daivati@riseup.net
Web: www.JadeRiverPDX.com
Chris Booren, ND
Optimal Health Center
1820 SW Vermont St. #G
Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: 503-246-3919
Email: drchrisbooren@yahoo.com
Web: www.drchrisbooren.com
Adrienne Borg, ND
74 East 18th Ave. Suite 12
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-686-3330
Email: aplusr@earthlink.net
David A Bove, LAc ND
1161 Lincoln Street
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-683-2126
Email: docb@drbove.info
Web: www.drbove.info
Gene Logan Bowman, ND
Oregon Health & Science University
Dept. of Neurology Aging & Alzheimer's ORCCAMIND
Portland, Oregon 97239
Phone: 503-494-4362
Email: bowmang@ohsu.edu
Gene Logan Bowman, ND
Natural Health Center of NCNM
Helfgott Research Institute of NCNM
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-552-1551
Web: www.helfgott.org
Rick M. Brinkman, ND
4320 S. Calaroga Dr
West Linn, Oregon 97068
Elizabeth Busetto, ND LLC
711 NE Dekum St
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone: 503-789-7953
Email: drbusetto@gmail.com
Web: www.drbusetto.com
Jesse I Buttler, ND
Northwest Natural Medicine LLC
2305 SE Washington St. Suite 104
Milwaukie, Oregon 97222
Phone: 503-786-2181
Web: www.nwnaturalmedicine.com
Karen Carleton, ND
Brooklyn Natural Health Clinic
3701 SE Milwaukie Avenue Suite F
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-239-7341
Petra Caruso, ND
Woodstock Natural Health Clinic
4926 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97206
Phone: 503-771-0615
Email: drpetracaruso@comcast.net
Web: www.woodstockclinic.com
Mary Caselli, ND, PC
Portland Family Naturopath
2119 NE Halsey Street
Portland, Oregon 97232
Phone: 503-335-8983
Web: www.drmarycasellind.com
Wayne Anthony Centrone, ND MPH
Outside In Medical Clinic
1132 SE 13th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97205
Jim Chan
Family Natural Health Clinic
1823 NE 13th
Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: 503-335-8983
Loch Stephen Chandler, LAc ND MSOM
Providence Integrative Medicine Clinic
1st Floor North Tower
Portland, Oregon 97213
Phone: 503-215-3219
Email: loch.chandler@providence.org
Web: www.providence.org/integrativemedicine
Loch Stephen Chandler, LAc ND MSOM
Providence Hospital Integrated Medicine Cancer Center
9135 S.W. Barnes Road Suite 161
Portland, Oregon 97225
Phone: 503-216-0246
Anya Chang, ND
Truth Health Medicine P.C.
8555 SW Tualatin Road
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
Phone: 503-691-0901
Email: dranyachang@truehealthmedicine.com
Web: www.truehealthmedicine.com
Julie Anne Chinnock, ND MPH
Outside In Clinic
1132 SW 13th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-535-3859
Email: juliec@outsidein.org
Cara Clark, ND
Solara Natural Health, LLC At Natural Childbirth and Family Clinic
0360 NE Wasco
Portland, Oregon 97220
Phone: 503-252-5125
Web: www.drcaraclark.com
Jeffery J Clark, ND
True Health Medicine PC
PO Box 23911
Tigard, Oregon 97224
Phone: 503-449-0476
Email: drjeffclark@TrueHealthMedicine.com
Web: www.TrueHealthMedicine.com
Jennifer Clemons, ND
2414 SE Madison St.
Oregon, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-936-0908
Joseph J. Coletto, N.D. L.Ac. P.C.
10525 SE Cherry Blossom Drive
Portland, Oregon 97216
Phone: 503-253-3443 x211
Email: joecoletto@comcast.net
John G. Collins, ND, DHANP
2907 N.E. Weidler St.
Portland, Oregon 97232
Phone: 503-493-9155
Fax: 503-493-1578
Email: homeo.nd@gmail.com
Michael Crupper, ND
Salus Natural Medicine
1820 SW Vermont Street
Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: 503-307-3337
Nicole Daddona, ND
Salus Natural Medicine
1820 SW Vermont Street
Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: 503-307-3337
Email: nicole@salusnaturalmedicine.com
Web: www.salusnaturalmedicine.com
Joshua David, ND
St Johns Health Center
8933 N. Lombard St
Portland, Oregon 97203
Phone: 503-286-4400
Email: drdavidpdx@gmail.com
Web: www.stjohnshealthcenter.com
Elizabeth Ellen Davis, ND
Madras Natural Health
227 SE 6th Street
Madras, Oregon 97741
Phone: 541-475-5525
Email: drbeth@clearwire.net
Alexandra Demetro, ND
Parkrose Chiropractic and Health Clinic
11125 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97220
Phone: 503-257-3377
Email: ademetro@hotmail.com
Web: www.alexandrademetro.com
Lisa Dickinson, ND
Chiropractic and Naturopathic Physicians' Clinic
12195 SW Allen Blvd
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Phone: 503-646-0697
Web: www.amberwinds.net
Bruce Dickson, ND DHANP
Bruce Dickson ND LLC
119 NE 3rd St
McMinnville, Oregon 97128
Phone: 503-434-6515
Email: info@keytohealthclinic.com
Web: www.keytohealthclinic.com
Meredith Distante, ND
Blossom Natural Health and Wellness
1608 SE Ankeny St.
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-313-0509
Email: dr.merrie@blossomnaturalhealth.com
Erin Marie Dolezal, ND
9735 SW Shady Lane #104
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Phone: 503-639-6454
Rob Dramov, ND
9735 SW Shady Lane #104
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Phone: 503-639-6454
Email: drrob@dramovmedical.com
Web: www.dramovmedical.com
Gary Carl Dreger, ND, LA
Natural Health Works PC
710 John Adams St.
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Phone: 503-722-7776
Fax: 503-723-0789
Email: info@naturalhw.com
Web: www.naturalhw.com
Shaun Vincent Dyler, LAc ND MSOM
14088 SW Odino Ct.
Tigard, Oregon 97224
Phone: 503-579-9493
Email: s.dyler@att.net
Web: drdyler.com
Greg Eckel, LAc
Nature Cures Clinic LLC
1020 SW Taylor St.
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-287-4970
Web: www.Naturecuresclinic.com
Jill Edwards, ND
22400 SE Stark St
Gresham, Oregon 97030
Phone: 503-492-1221
Email: DrEdwards@VibrantFamilyMedicine.com.
Web: www.VibrantFamilyMedicine.com
Vanessa Esteves, ND, MBA
Pearl Health Center
721 NW 9th Ave Suite 100A
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-525-0090
Email: vanessa@pearlhealthcenter.com
Web: www.dresteves.com
Dawson A. Farr, ND
Groundswell Integrative Healthcare
504 ne jessup st
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone: 503-363-0524
Web: www.groundswellhealthcare.com
Stephanie Farrell, ND
536 N Stafford St
Portland, Oregon 97217
Phone: 503-781-3294
Kelly Marie M. Fitzpatrick, ND RN
Sacred Medicine
1695 Jefferson St.
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Phone: 541-344-9658
Cinda Flynn, ND
Natural Choices New Beginnings LLC
1220 NW Kings Blvd
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Phone: 541-753-5152
Email: cflynnnd@msn.com
Lindsay Fontenot, ND
125 NE Killingsworth St #101
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone: 503-223-3741
Web: www.bloomnaturalhealthcare.com
Kimberly A. Foster, ND
Intention Healing
911 Country Club Rd. Suite 270
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-683-4071
Email: kimberlyfosternd@gmail.com
Web: www.intentionhealing.com
Karen M. Frangos, ND
Naturopathic Body Works Inc.
049 SW Porter
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-552-1814
Email: dr.frangos@naturopathicbodyworks.net
Web: www.naturopathicbodyworks.net
Arcoma Gonzalez Lambert, ND
Blossoming Health
2735 20th PL, Suite A
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116
Phone: 503-357-2826
Email: drarcoma@blossominghealth.com
Web: www.blossominghealthclinic.com
Joanne Gordon, ND, PT
Natural Health Works, PC
710 John Adams
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Phone: 503-722-7776
Fax: 503-723-0789
Email: info@naturalhw.com
Web: www.naturalhw.com
Mary Grabowska, LAc ND LM
2304 E Burnside St #104
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-236-6006
Email: mgrabowska@ncnm.edu
Web: www.naturopathic.org
David A. Greenspan, ND
Greenspan Good Health Center P.C.
6655 SW Hampton St. Ste 110
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Phone: 503-684-1875
Email: info@greenspangoodhealth.com
Web: www.greenspangoodhealth.com
Laurie Grisez, ND
Blue Star Naturopathic Clinic
497 SW Century Drive
Bend, Oregon 97702
Phone: 541-389-6935
Web: www.bluestarclinic.com
Ilana Gurevich, ND
Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center
2330 NW Flander St
Portland, Oregon 97210
Phone: 503-701-8766
Crystal Hannan, ND
In Health Naturopathic and Massage Therapy
2305-A Pacific Hwy
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116
Phone: 503-357-3074
Web: www.inhealthclinic.com
Chikako Nishiwaki Harper, ND LMT
2707 NE 33rd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: 503-477-0472
Email: info@DrChikakoHarper.com
Web: www.DrChikakoHarper.com
Chikako Nishiwaki Harper, ND LMT
4085 SW 109th Ave #200
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Phone: 503-477-0472
Email: info@DrChikakoHarper.com
Web: www.DrChikakoHarper.com
Margaret Havlik, ND
Sherwood Naturopathic Medicine LLC
22808 SW Forest Creek Dr #102
Sherwood, Oregon 97140
Phone: 503-625-0320
Email: mhavlik.nd@gmail.com
Dianna Lynn Henson, ND
Abbey Road Clinic
12125 NE Penny Lane
Carlton, Oregon 97111
Phone: 503-864-4797
Email: www.doctordianna.com
Web: www.DoctorDianna.com
Dana Herms, ND
2604 SE 33rd Place
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-313-5930
Email: danaherms@yahoo.com
Kimberly Hindman, LAc ND
1820 SW Vermont Suite C
Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: 503-784-1027
Web: www.healingdragon.net
Kimberley Horner, ND
10121 SE Sunnyside Rd. Suite 300 B
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
Phone: 503-653-1816
Geoff Houghton, ND
153 Clear Creek Dr. Suite 101
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone: 541-482-8484
Email: HoughtonND@aol.com
Tanya Hudson, ND
Hudson Naturopathic Clinic
15110 SW Boones Ferry Rd Suite 170
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
Phone: 503-547-7657
Email: drhudson@hudsonnaturopathic.com
Web: www.hudsonnaturopathic.com
Tori S. Hudson, ND
A Woman's Time
2067 NW Lovejoy
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-222-2322
Email: womanstime@aol.com
Web: www.awomanstime.com
Michelle K. Jackson, ND PC
334 NE Irving Ave. Suite 103
Bend, Oregon 97701
Phone: 541-385-0775
Email: michelle@drjacksonnd.com
Amy Beth Johnson, ND
Blue House Holistic Health
4729 SE 36th AVE
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-772-5316
Email: amynaturedoc@gmail.com
Tina Kaczor, ND
Clinic of Natural Medicine
247 W. 10th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-338-9494
Email: info@clinicofnaturalmed.com
Web: www.clinicofnaturalmed.com
Stephanie Kaplan, ND
4031 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-975-2617 or 503-546-7
Email: drkaplan@earthlink.net
Azure Dee Karli, ND
Bend Naturopathic Clinic
715 NW Hill St.
Bend, Oregon 97701
Phone: 541-389-9750
Email: info@bendnaturopath.com
Web: www.bendnaturopath.com
Jorge Kaufmann, LAc ND MSOM
Bambu Clinic
838 SW 1st Ave
Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: 503-274-9360
Email: www.bambuclinic.com
Leigh Kochan Lewis, LAc ND
2067 NW Lovejoy
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-222-2322
Email: leigh.kochan@gmail.com
Web: www.awomanstime.com
Ananda Kramer, ND
3420 N.E. 41st Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: 503-241-4118
Email: anandak@teleport.com
Web: www.doctorananda.com
Heather Krebsbach, LAc ND
AnHao Clinic
2348 NW Lovejoy St.
Portland, Oregon 97210
Phone: 503-224-7224
Email: hkrebsbach@gmail.com
Roman Krupa, ND
Urban Wellness Group
4900 SE Division
Portland, Oregon 97206
Phone: 503-445-9771
Email: drkrupa@urbanwellnesspdx.com
Web: www.urbanwellnesspdx.com
Angela Lambert, LAc ND
A Healing Path Inc.
6434 N. Kerby Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97217
Phone: 503-703-5019
Web: www.ahealingpath.org
AnneMarie Lambert, ND MBA
5327 SE Morrison St.
Portland, Oregon 97215
Phone: 503-236-7174
Raina Lasse, ND
833 SW 11th Suite 214
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-224-2525
Email: drlasse@redleafclinic.com
Web: www.redleafclinic.com
Chiaoli Lu, LAc ND MSOM
Mercy & Wisdom Healing Center
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-227-1222
Email: mail@mercyandwisdom.org
Web: www.mercyandwisdom.org
Chiaoli Lu, ND, DAOM, LAc
Serene Care Clinic
10201 SE Holgate Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97266
Phone: 503-762-1122
Web: www.serenecare.com/p_practitioners.html
Rose M. Martin, ND
A Body of Wisdom Natural Family Medicine
Historic Downtown
Gresham, Oregon 97030
Phone: 503-665-9111
Email: drrosemartin@gmail.com
Web: www.drrosem.com
Russell Marz, LAc ND
Tabor Hill Clinic
2002 SE 50th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97215
Phone: 503-233-0585
Email: taborhill@gmail.com
Web: www.taborhillclinic.com
James B. Massey, ND
Mountain Peak Nutritionals
3310 SW Vista DR
Portland, Oregon 97225
Phone: 503-297-4788
Web: www.mpn8.com
Alison McAllister, ND
4444 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, Oregon 97239
Phone: 503-224-2590
Web: doctormcallister[at]gmail.com
Meredith McClanen, ND
Naturopathic Family Medicine
6501 SE King Road
Milwaukie, Oregon 97222
Phone: 5032564895
Web: drmimi[at]hotmail.com
Kristen McElveen, ND
Natural Health Center
2220 SW 1st Ave
Portland, Oregon 97206
Phone: 503-552-1551
Email: drkristen@baremedicine.com
Web: www.baremedicine.com
Lissa McNiel, ND
Arbora Natural Medicine Solutions PC
3654 C South Pacific Highway
Medford, Oregon 97501
Phone: 541-535-9200
Web: www.arboranms.com
Laurie M Menk Otto, ND
Natural Health Center
2220 SW 1st Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-552-1551
Marcus N. Miller, ND MD
Natural Health Center
2220 SW 1st Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-552-1551
Marty Milner, ND
Ctr. Natural Medicine
1330 SE 39th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-232-1100
David Milroy, ND DC
A & D Chiropractic
3674 Pacific Hwy NE
Hubbard, Oregon 97032
Phone: 503-982-8683
David Milroy, ND DC
Natural Orthopedic and Environmental Medicine
4555 Liberty Road South #360
Salem, Oregon 97302
Phone: 503-363-6868
Ryan Minarik, LAc ND
Elixia Wellness
8113 SE 13th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-232-5653
Email: info@elixiawellness.com
Web: www.exlixawellness.com
Jennifer Mlnarik, ND
9520 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Phone: 503-320-0401
Email: info@blossominghealth.com
Web: www.gandlacupunctureherb.com
Tristin Mock, ND
Golden Leaf Clinic
1405 Washington Ave
La Grande, Oregon 97850
Phone: 541-663-6962
Email: docmock@gmail.com
Web: www.goldenleafclinic.com
Anthony Murczek, LAc ND MSOM
Mountain Spring Health Clinic
3449 N.E. 25th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: 503-528-1065
Email: tony@mountainspringhealth.com
Web: www.mountainspringhealth.com
Sheila M. Myers, ND
Sage Health Clinic
4390 NE Emerson
Bend, Oregon 97701
Phone: 541-385-6249
Web: www.sagehealthcenter.com
Judy Neall, ND
Natural Choices Health Clinic
1221 SE Madison Street
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-520-8859
Web: www.naturalchoicesclinic.com
Bonnie Lisette Nedrow, ND LM
815 Oak Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone: 541-488-2233
Email: drbonnie@bonniend.com
Web: www.bonniend.com
Lindsey Nelson, ND
Clearwater Clinic
1201 SW 12th Ave., Ste. 205
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-201-1350
Email: drlsnelson@yahoo.com
Web: www.clearwaterh2o.org
Lindsey Nelson, ND
Clearwater Clinic
1201 SW 12th Ave., Ste. 205
, Oregon 97205
Greg Nigh, LAc ND
Nature Cures Clinic
1020 SW Taylor
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-287-4970
Web: www.naturecuresclinic.com
Sara Ohgushi, ND
2304 E. Burnside Suite 101
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-236-6006
Web: www.sarasfamilycare.com
Virginia Oram, ND
400 E 2nd Ave. Suite 105
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-343-2384
Web: www.droram.com
Mihaela Pepel, ND MD
Dr. Pepel Family Practice
15880 SW Quarry Road
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
Phone: 503-232-3302
Email: drPepel@msn.com
Web: www.DrPepelFamilyPractice.com
Andrew M. Perry, ND
P.O. Box 12725
Salem, Oregon 97309
Phone: 503-881-1231
Shawn Marie Peters, ND
Forest Grove Health & Fitness
2329 Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116
Phone: 503-357-1706
Email: dr_shawn@fghealthandfitness.com
Web: www.fghealthandfitness.com
Heidi Peterson, ND MS
4444 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, Oregon 97239
Phone: 503-224-2590
Web: www.doctorheidi.com
Noel S. Peterson, ND
Center for Traditional Medicine
560 First St. Suite 204
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
Phone: 503-636-2734
Web: www.myctm.org
Kathryn Kalli Phillips, ND
Village Health
1775 Coburg Rd.
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-684-3988
Email: dr.phillips@mac.com
Web: www.villagehealthservices.com
Kristen Plunkett, ND
Naturopathic Medical Clinic
1200 NE 7th St
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Phone: 541-476-2916
Email: dr.plunkett@yahoo.com
Catherine Rachel Price, ND NMD
Woodstock Wellness Center
4512 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97206
Phone: 503-777-2776
Email: naturopathix@yahoo.com
Web: www.woodstockwellnesscenter.com
Jennifer C. Reid, ND
Optima Wellness LLC
Portland, Oregon 97210
Jennifer C. Reid, ND
Carriage House Medicine
27530 SE Division Drive Bldg C
Gresham, Oregon 97030
Phone: 503-492-9427
Web: www.favoritedr.com
Howard J. Reingold, ND
Blue Star Naturopathic Clinic
497 SW Century Dr Suite 120
Bend, Oregon 97702
Phone: 541-389-6935
Web: www.bluestarclinic.com
Kelley R. Reis, ND
The Natural Medicine Center
172 SE 6th Ave
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
Phone: 503-693-0904
Email: drkelley_nd@yahoo.com
Web: www.hillsboronaturalmedicine.com
Corey Resnick, ND
Integrative Health & Nutrition Inc.
15450 SW Boones Ferry Rd. #9-400
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035
Phone: 503-702-2889
Email: coreyr@integrativeinc.com
Meghan Richmond, ND
10279 NW Wilshire Lane
Portland, Oregon 97229
Phone: 503-296-0661
Kenneth H. Rifkin, LAc ND
11030 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: 503-892-8788
Email: mountainparkhealthclinic@yahoo.com
Peggy M. Rollo, LAc ND
1920 NW Johnson St. Ste 105
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-223-7067
Lee Samatowic, ND
8600 SW Salish Lane, Suite One
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
Phone: 503)682-3811
Email: thewellnesspro@gmail.com
Web: www.thewellnesspro.com
David Schleich, ND
049 SW Porter
Portland, Oregon 97201
Renee Schwartz, ND
Tigard Holistic Health Clinic
11930 SW Greenburg Road
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Phone: 503-639-1712
Web: www.tigardholistic.com
Igor N. Schwartzman, ND
Whole Family Wellness Center LLC
2920 SW Dolph Court
Portland, Oregon 97219
Phone: 503-244-0500
Web: www.wfwcenter.com
Suzanne Scopes, ND
Circle Healthcare Clinic
316 NE 28th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97232
Phone: 503-230-0812
Email: scopess@hotmail.com
Web: www.drscopesnaturalhealthcare.com
Janice Seibert, ND
Hormone Rejuvenation Center
2187 SW Main St #103
Portland, Oregon 97205
Email: drjanseibert@yahoo.com
Web: www.seiberthealthandwellness.com
Angela Senders, ND
Bambu Clinic
838 SW 1st Ave
Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: 503-274-9360
Email: drsenders@bambuclinic.com
Web: www.bambuclinic.com
Lisa Shaver, LAc ND MSOM
Everyday Wellness Clinic
1033 SW Yamhill Ste 300
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-222-1315
Email: drlisa@bewelleveryday.com
Ekaterina Shavlovsky, ND
Brooklyn Natural Health Clinic
3701 SE Milwaukie Avenue Suite F
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-239-7341
Email: drkatia@gmail.com
Web: www.wholistic-medicine.com
David K. Shefrin, ND
27501 S.W. 95th Avenue Ste. 970
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
Phone: 503-682-7800
Leah Sherman, ND
Natural Health Center
2220 NW 1st Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-552-1551
Robert Skarperud, ND MS
Blue Star Naturopathic Clinic
497 SW Century Drive
Bend, Oregon 97702
Phone: 541-389-6935
Email: drskarperud@bluestarclinic.com
Web: www.bluestarclinic.com
Robert Skarperud, ND
Prineville Wellness Center
298 NW Harwood Street
Prineville, Oregon 97754
Phone: 541-447-3893
Web: www.prinevillewellnesscenter.com
Juliette Soihl, ND
Center for Vibrant Health
4838 NE Sandy Blvd. Suite 200
Portland, Oregon 97213
Phone: 503-287-1510
Web: www.centerforvibranthealth.com
Jessie Speirs
, Oregon
Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, LAc ND
A Wellspring of Natural Health
4720 SW Watson Ave.
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Phone: 503-526-0397
Web: www.wellspringofhealth.com
Arianna Staruch, ND
Clearwater Clinic
1201 SW 12th Ave Suite 205
Portland, Oregon 97205
Phone: 503-279-0205
Email: ariannas@clearH2o.org
Web: ClearH2o.org
Tamara Staudt, ND
2232 NW Pettygrove St.
Portland, Oregon 97210
Phone: 503-552-2093
Ananda Stiegler, ND
Balance in Health
295 West Broadway
Eugene, Oregon 97405
Phone: 541-653-8881
Email: drananda@balanceinhealth.com
Web: www.balanceinhealth.com
Michelle M Sturm, LAc ND MSOM
The Houses of Healing
1211 N. Webster Street
Portland, Oregon 97217
Phone: 503-351-5426
Email: drmichelle@thehousesofhealing.com
Web: www.thehousesofhealing.com
Augusta Gusty Swift, ND
Vital Health and Wellness
6018 SE Stark St. Suite 103
Portland, Oregon 97215
Phone: 503-239-6698
Email: drswift@vitalhealthpdx.com
Web: www.vitalhealthpdx.com
Dick Thom, ND DDS
Bambu Clinic
838 SW First Avenue Suite 330
Portland, Oregon 97204
Phone: 503-274-9360
Email: info@bambuclinic.com
Web: www.bambuclinic.com
Dick Thom, ND, DDS
Wholistic Solutions
11320 SE Lincoln Street
Portland, Oregon 97216
Phone: 503-252-7670
Web: www.wholisticsolutions.net/
Louise Tolzmann, ND
Quest Center for Integrative Health
2901 E Burnside
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-238-5203
Email: louise@quest-center.org
Web: www.quest-center.org
Wendy D. Vannoy, ND
A Woman's Time
2067 NW Lovejoy St.
Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone: 503-222-2322
Email: womanstime@aol.com
Jacqueline Villalobos, ND
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center
85 N. 12th
Cornelius, Oregon 97113
Phone: 503-359-5564
Email: jvillalobos@vgmhc.org
Web: www.virginiagarcia.org
Karin Volkoff, ND LMT
Corbett Hill Wellness Center
4425 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, Oregon 97239
Phone: 503-225-9033 x303
Pearl Natural Health
1616 SE Ankeny Street
Portland, Oregon 97214
Phone: 503-230-8973
Web: www.pearlnaturalhealth.com
Serron Wilkie, ND
Heart Spring Health
4804 SE Lincoln St
Portland, Oregon 97215
Phone: 503-956-9396
Email: drserronwilkie@me.com
Kevin C. Wilson, ND
328 West Main Street Suite C
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
Phone: 503-648-0484
Email: kcwnd@teleport.com
Web: www.kevinwilsonnd.com
Stephanie P. Wilson, ND
NW Naturopathic Medical Clinic
1755 Coburg Rd Bldg #6B
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone: 541-683-9357
Sara Wood, ND
4085 SW 109th Ave. Ste. 200
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Phone: 503-643-1024
Email: sara.wood@comcast.net
Web: www.beavertonnaturopathicmedicine.com
Sue Yirku, ND
1404 SE Franklin St
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-552-2005
Carol Ann Zamarra, ND LMT
Golden Heart Center for Wellness
8113 SE 13th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97202
Phone: 503-232-5653
Email: drzamarra@ghcenter.com
Web: www.ghcenter.com
Jieyi Zhang, LAc ND
Clinic for Natural & Chinese Medicine
17949 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy.
Aloha, Oregon 97006
Phone: 503-649-8645