What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Posted On Saturday, April 16, 2011 at at 11:07 AM by PradeepNaturopathic Medicine is a unique and comprehensive approach to improving health and treating illness. It includes diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease using natural therapies. When seeing a Naturopathic Doctor (ND), you will not only learn about health and how it relates to your condition, but you will also be active in determining which treatment options are right for you.
The primary goal of naturopathic treatment is to address the cause of illness, rather than simply eliminate or suppress symptoms. The patient is seen as a whole person and the ND takes physical, mental, emotional, genetic, social and environmental factors into account when diagnosing and developing a treatment plan. Treatments are individualized according to each patient and based on both traditional therapies and the latest medical knowledge.
The primary naturopathic therapies include:
Clinical Nutrition examines the relationship between diet and health. Special diets may be recommended, and treatment may include nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutraceuticals.
Traditional Chinese Medicine evaluates the flow and balance of energy in the body and involves the use of both Chinese herbs and acupuncture.
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles on the body's surface, used to influence physiological functioning of the body. It is based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It strengthens and improves overall functions, enhances immunity and enables you to regain physical and emotional health. Acupuncture produces results by re-establishing balance and ensuring the continuous flow of vital life energy, called Qi (pronounced "chee").
Cosmetic Acupuncture, is a non-surgical face-lift that has been shown to be effective in reducing the signs of aging. Based on the theory of Chinese Medicine, it involves the insertion of very thin, disposable needles into acupuncture points in the face. This superficial insertion will stimulate both blood and energy to the face, which will nourish and moisten the skin. It also increases collagen production, which will fill out the lines and give firmness to the skin producing a healthy, glowing complexion.
Botanical Medicine stems from the theory that plants have powerful healing properties. Many pharmaceutical drugs have their origins in plant substances. Naturopathic physicians use plant substances for their healing effects and nutritional value.
Homeopathic Medicine is based on Law of Similar, “Like Cures Like”, dilute preparations of plant, mineral or animal substances are used to stimulate the body to heal itself.
Physical Medicine involves the treatment of pain, stimulates circulation and promotes healing. Some applications include heat/cold, light, ultraviolet and infrared, electrical pulsation, hydrotherapy, traction, massage and exercise.
Lifestyle Counseling identifies lifestyle, diet and environmental risk factors. Naturopathic Doctors make recommendations to optimize the physical, mental and emotional environment of the individual.
Diseases that are commonly treated with Naturopathic Medicine include:
Chronic Conditions
-High blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease
-Heart burn, constipation and inflammatory bowel diseases
-Acne, psoriasis and eczema
-Insomnia, depression and anxiety
-Prostatitis and cystitis
-Menopausal problems
-PMS and menstrual disorders
-Infertility, fibroids and endometriosis
-Attention deficit disorder
-Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
-Thyroid conditions
-Low energy
-Weight management
-Muscle, joint and bone problems
Acute Conditions
-Colds and flu
-Ear infections
Naturopathic Medicine is often referred to as complimentary medicine since it is meant to compliment traditional medical practices. It is still important to visit your regular MD for annual appointments and other problems that arise. However, next time you have a nagging problem that just won't go away, give your local licensed Naturopathic Doctor a try and heal yourself - naturally.